Just some of the moments that made you love the Harry Potter series.
WB HP F1 Philosophers Stone Ron Harry and Hermione

1. When Hagrid burst through the door

We knew this was a book about wizards, but we somehow did not expect this ‘giant arrives on island’ narrative arc.

2. When Harry was rescued by Firenze in the forest

Unicorns, hooded vampires and centaurs? Oh my!

3. When Quirrell took his turban off


4. When Harry and Ron flew the Weasleys’ car to Hogwarts

Most mums would have done a lot worse than send a Howler.

5. When we found out Tom Riddle was Voldemort

This guy just doesn’t quit.

6. When Lockhart was exposed as a fraud

Lies! All lies!

7. When Dobby was freed


8. When we found out Peter Pettigrew was Scabbers


9. And that Sirius Black was good


10. And that Lupin was a werewolf

This book...

11. And, yeah. Basically the whole last 80 pages of Prisoner of Azkaban

So. Many. Reveals.

12. When Harry’s name was pulled out of the Goblet of Fire

Look, the book’s title is a giveaway…

13. When Hermione entered the Yule Ball with Viktor Krum

Plot twist. Love it.

14. When Harry told Amos Diggory about his son’s death

These are real tears.

15. When Dolores Umbridge made Harry use her quill

Is this a school subject or medieval torture?

16. When Harry saw the backstory between his father and Snape in his Occlumency lesson

This explains so much…

17. When Dumbledore lied about Dumbledore’s Army being all his idea

What a hero.

18. When you found out that ‘neither can live while the other survives’

Well, this is awkward.

19. When Snape made the Unbreakable Vow to help Draco

Woah. That’s dark, even for you Snape.

20. The Ron Weasley-Lavender Brown romance

Ron is basically just a mess of hormones and red hair throughout Half-Blood Prince.

21. When you found out Snape was the Half-Blood Prince

And kind of realised that he… wasn’t pure evil?

22. When Ron reappeared at the lake at the Forest of Dean

About time.

23. When Ron and Hermione kiss


24. When Mrs Weasley took on Bellatrix

Yes. Yesyesyes.

25. When you emerged covered in sweat and tears after a 12-hour reading session with an incredible sense of closure

And immediately resolved to call one of your children Albus Severus.

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