In Harry Potter’s world, there’s Divination, Astronomy and prophecies – all used to make sense of the mysteries of the universe and the great beyond. But what about astrology? We know Professor Trelawney did touch upon it, but do any of our favourite characters happen to display personality traits that are unique to their star sign?
Well, we thought it would be fun to find out! As it is Leo season, we’re looking at the lion-hearted, Harry Potter. Of course, any similarities may be a total coincidence. We’ll leave that up to you to decide. Why not share this with your Leo friends and see what they think?
Natural leader
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The star sign Leo is symbolised by the brave lion – the totem animal for rulers and emperors. And just like the King of the Jungle, Leos find they are naturally drawn to leadership roles. We reckon Harry ticks that box quite nicely too.
Harry might have sometimes seemed… reluctant to be in charge but somehow he always ended up taking that spot. And, we must say, he was rather good at it. Take Dumbledore’s Army – it might have been Hermione’s brainchild, but even she recognised that Harry was the person who would inspire others to join their merry and rebellious crew. Then there was his stint as Quidditch Captain. His tenure might have been somewhat bumpy, but nobody argued that the role belonged to him.
Finally, and it really goes without saying, but Harry managed to rally, inspire and become the figurehead of the fight against Voldemort. If that doesn’t scream ‘natural leader’ then we don’t know what does.
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One thing that Leos love to do is they love to look out for people. They do not tolerate bullies and feel a sense of responsibility towards others – especially the underdogs. If you want a friend who will always have your back, you can’t go wrong with a Leo.
We think that sounds rather like the plucky Gryffindor. Harry would happily stand up for those who cared for – and even those he didn’t. There was the time he freed Dobby who was vulnerable at the hands of the Malfoys. The time that he rescued Dudley from the horrors of the Dementors kiss (a lesser wizard might just have left him). And the time he saved all those Muggle-borns awaiting Umbridge’s awful inquisition at the Ministry of Magic. The list goes on and on. Harry was always ready to stand up and protect others – no matter the cost.
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One fantastic quality when it comes to our Leo friends is their generous hearts. They are always willing to share what they have. They’re the person who will pick up a little treat for someone they care about – just because they can. Or the person who would generously throw their bestie a birthday party. Ruled by the sun, you can’t help but bask in their warm, giving and generous light.
Living with the Dursleys, Harry was never shown any generosity. This family would not share anything with him whether that was material possessions or love. To grow up in this environment must have taken a serious toll and you could understand if it left Harry feeling bitter and stingy. Yet it didn’t. Instead, Harry was generous to a fault. When he noticed that Ron only had squashed corned beef sandwiches to eat on the Hogwarts Express, Harry bought them a feast from the Hogwarts Express trolley. When Lockhart gave Harry signed copies of all his books, he slipped them into Ginny’s cauldron instead. When Fred and George needed money to get Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes off the ground, Harry gave them his Triwizard winnings. And he never expected anything back – that’s just the type of giving person he was.
Star of the show

The Boy-Who-Lived was certainly popular amongst the folks of the wizarding world with a few notable exceptions (we doubt he’d be invited to a tea party with the Death Eaters). Wherever Harry went, people noticed him. This certainly has parallels with the Leo star sign who astrologers often describe as having a ‘magnetic’ personality – you just can’t help but be drawn to them. They are the stars of the show.
Now wherever Harry went, his fame followed him – we wager he couldn’t walk down Diagon Alley without at least one person clocking the famous Chosen One. And he always ended up as the centre of attention. No first-years allowed on Hogwarts Quidditch teams? Harry becomes the youngest Seeker in a century. The first Triwizard Tournament in centuries is being hosted at Hogwarts? Of course Harry is the unexpected Champion! The Chamber of Secrets been opened? Obviously it’s Harry who defeats the Basilisk. He might say he doesn’t want the attention… but attention always finds the Chosen One.

As a star sign that is represented by the lion, you won’t be surprised to hear that Leos are known for their bravery. In fact, in tarot, Leo is represented by the ‘strength’ card, which represents physical, mental and emotional courage. We think you’ll agree that this sounds a lot like Harry, who happened to be part of house that was also represented by a lion and valued bravery.
But Harry’s bravery went far beyond being a Gryffindor and there are myriad examples of his strength and fortitude, but we think there is one that sums up the immense bravery this boy showed. Harry was willing to lay down his life to save the wizarding world. He walked into the Forbidden Forest without any living companion to face Voldemort. He didn’t run away. He didn’t cower. He walked calmly towards his certain death. That is a strength that most adults don’t possess let alone a teenage boy. Like other Leos, Harry’s bravery grew as he matured and throughout the stories there was nobody who showed quite as much courage or tenacity than this lion-hearted wizard.