There’s a good chance it’ll be a white Christmas
It always seems to snow at Hogwarts in December, making it a prime time for snow and snowball fights.
One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The Weasley twins were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they followed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
There’s the promise of Butterbeer
After everyone has tired themselves out in the snow and returned to the common room exhausted and cold, there would be a nice, warming Butterbeer waiting – if the Weasleys have anything to do with it.
Harry drank deeply. It was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted and seemed to heat every bit of him from the inside.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
It has Christmas baubles like you’ve never seen
Because nobody can create Christmas decorations like the teachers of Hogwarts; unravelling tinsel from an old cardboard box will never quite compare.
‘Oh yeah, you’re right,’ said Ron, tearing his eyes away from Professor Flitwick, who had golden bubbles blossoming out of his wand and was trailing them over the branches of a new tree.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

There are absolutely enormous Christmas trees
Where else would you find 12 Christmas trees so big that a half-giant is needed to carry them in?
When they left the dungeons at the end of Potions, they found a large fir tree blocking the corridor ahead. Two enormous feet sticking out at the bottom and a loud puffing sound told them Hagrid was behind it.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
The Great Hall is the perfect Christmas venue
The Great Hall is one of the finest places to tuck into a Christmas dinner.
No one, not even someone dreading taking Polyjuice Potion later, could fail to enjoy Christmas dinner at Hogwarts.
The Great Hall looked magnificent. Not only were there a dozen frost-covered Christmas trees and thick streamers of holly and mistletoe criss-crossing the ceiling, but enchanted snow was falling, warm and dry, from the ceiling.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Wizarding festive food is amazing
While on the subject of food, the festive feasts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are like none other. Sorry, Mrs Weasley!
A hundred fat, roast turkeys, mountains of roast and boiled potatoes, platters of fat chipolatas, tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick, rich gravy and cranberry sauce...
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Wizard crackers are even better
They really make Christmas at Hogwarts a blast.
Harry pulled a wizard cracker with Fred and it didn’t just bang, it went off with a blast like a canon and engulfed them all in a cloud of blue smoke, while from the inside exploded a rear-admiral’s hat and several live white mice.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Speaking of Christmas crackers, we wrote some of our own Christmas cracker jokes!
You can enjoy Hogwarts to yourself
With everyone else home for the holidays, enjoy the extra space!
They had the dormitory to themselves and the common room was far emptier than usual, so they were able to get the good armchairs by the fire. They sat by the hour eating anything they could spear on a toasting fork – bread, crumpets, marshmallows – and plotting ways of getting Malfoy expelled, which were fun to talk about even if they wouldn’t work.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
You can enjoy a sing-a-long-a-Dumbledore
Carol singing with Dumbledore and Hagrid would be quite the experience.
Dumbledore led them in a few of his favourite carols, Hagrid booming more and more loudly with every goblet of eggnog he consumed.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets