As the eighth Harry Potter story prepares to open at the TBS Akasaka ACT Theater this summer, a fresh cast has been assembled to join the Wizarding World family. And in the starring role as Harry Potter, three actors will be on hand to play the titular wizard

Tatsuya Fujiwara, Kanji Ishimaru and Osamu Mukai will all be on hand to play the leading role of Harry, with each actor taking the role in turn.
For Hermione, actors Aoi Nakabeppu and Sagiri Seina will portray her, while Masahiro Ehara and Hayata Tateyama will play Ron, respectively.
For the full cast, simply visit the official website to learn all about them.
Much like Broadway, Tokyo will be presenting the reimagined version of the play, which runs across one day for three and a half hours, including intermission. You can learn more about the reimagined version of Cursed Child here.
Cursed Child’s latest home, TBS Akasaka ACT Theater, is currently undergoing renovations, and will be ready to unveil its new look in time for the first preview performance in June. The play’s official opening night in Tokyo takes place 8th July.
Tickets for previews will go on sale for two days only, from Wednesday 23rd – Thursday 24th February – and you will be able to register and purchase through either TBS Tickets or Horipro Stage.
We’re so excited to see how Harry Potter and the Cursed Child plays out in its first Asian home. Stay tuned for more details as we get them.