As the third wave of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child actors get ready to take on the eighth Harry Potter story, here’s a sneak peek at what they look like in their new rather dashing wizarding outfits, photographed by Charlie Gray.
So, who have we got?

As is now becoming tradition, a new Jamie will be taking on the starring role of Harry Potter: following on from Jamie Glover, and Jamie Parker before him, is Jamie Ballard. Beyond Harry, Susie Trayling takes on Ginny Potter, Nicola Alexis is Hermione Granger, Joe Idris-Roberts plays Albus Potter and Jonathan Case portrays his unlikely best friend, Scorpius Malfoy.

This cast will be joining remaining members of the Cursed Child family, including Thomas Aldridge, who is staying on as Ron Weasley, Helen Aluko as Rose Granger-Weasley and James Howard as Draco Malfoy.

The cast begin performances at the Palace Theatre on Wednesday 23 May, and we’re looking forward to seeing more of them very soon!
Meanwhile, over in America, the Broadway production (including seven members of the Original West End Cast) is currently bringing the magic to New York, and has recently been nominated for 10 Tony Awards including Best New Play. The Cursed Child adventures will soon begin in Australia too, with the play set to open in Melbourne in 2019.
If only we could Apparate all over the world to see the different productions in action.
For tickets for Cursed Child performances in London, or simply to learn more about the production, check out the Cursed Child website.