This week, it's the semi-finals of Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking - and to make things extra-special, the surviving teams have congregated in Dumbledore's Office to prep for their most important challenge yet. And there'll be yet another special guest!

Three teams left... but only two placements available in the grand finale of Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking.

To boost morale, our old friend Bonnie Wright (AKA Ginny Weasley) rocks up to Leavesden ("it's so special, all these memories just flood through") to reunite with her Weasley siblings, Jamie and Oliver.

Bonnie will be joining judges Carla and Josef to review the teams' showpieces. And this week, the bakes must include a 'transformation element'! Everyone looks pretty nervous...


The (head)master plans

Each team must be inspired by the elements in Dumbledore's Office for their bakes. Last week's winners Miko and Chris have been gifted with the Hogwarts Portraits as their theme, while Elizabeth & Juan (with two challenge-wins under their belts) are given Fawkes the Phoenix.

As for Zoe and Jordan, their project must revolve around the famous Time-Turner, which immediately sounds off alarm bells for the surviving team. If only they had more...time (lol!) to work on their bake!


Lights out

As the team set about creating their bakes, Miko & Chris are given an extra advantage. The pair are given a Deluminator, which means they can turn off the lights of the opponents' stations - meaning their rivals will effectively be baking in the dark.

As the great Dumbledore once said "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" - so... the bakers certainly won't be very happy about this.


Let the baking commence

Elizabeth & Juan both have fun ideas to add into their Fawkes cake, with Juan inspired by his grandmother's old carrot cake recipe, while Elizabeth wants to pay homage to Dumbledore's love of sherbet lemon.

While brainstorming their cake, Elizabeth confesses how much of a huge Harry Potter fan she is, even having her own Quidditch costume! Bonnie Wright is extremely impressed and we are sad and jealous.


Rock around the clock

Zoe and Jordan decide that a Time-Turner themed cake should be themed around the mechanics of time-keeping itself, going for an industrial aesthetic, complete with cogs and dials.

But that is not all, no, no! On top of effectively becoming clockmakers, the team are also nodding to Dumbledore guessed it, more sherbet lemons.

Zoe explains how the lemons will be hidden inside an infinity mirror, and will magically appear. Okay, can someone please give her the Nobel Prize?!


Picture perfect

'For us, Snape is our unsung hero' Miko and Chris confess, as they look for subjects for their Hogwarts Portrait cake. Alongside Professor Dumbledore (of course) the pair decide to contrast the headmaster with a character that would be VERY important to his arc... clever!

But can the duo pull off such a complicated concept? Or will they paint themselves into a corner?


Beyond the bakes

Speaking of turning back time... we get to know a little more about the bakers' backstories - such as Miko's history as a painter, which gave him the artistic acumen to turn his creative skill into baking. Zoe tells a moving tale about how creating fantastical cakes for her children brought her closer to her family. Accio tissues?


Burning Day comes early for Fawkes?

As ever, there is chaos in the kitchen yet again this week. We thought this just happened at our house.

This time, Elizabeth is the one who is cursed, as her phoenix wings begin to fall apart! Thankfully, she has the most keep-calm-and-carry-on reaction, ever.

'Can we have a dustpan and brush, please?' - that's the spirit, girl.

Miko & Chris aren't having better luck... with gaps in their portrait frame, the pair hold their breath and try and fix everything with more chocolate. Well, we're not complaining about that.


Judging time

But finally, the teams sojourn to Dumbledore's office to get their showpieces assessed by the judges - but also Bonnie! The actor seems extremely pleased with her new job as cake-tester.

While Miko and Chris's dual-professors effect inspires awe and Zoe and Jordan's intricate clock-themed cake is an all-timer (do you see what we're...okay, never mind) it is once again Elizabeth and Juan who take our breath away with the most detailed (yet edible!) interpretation of Fawkes ever seen.

We wish once this cake is eaten, it could be reborn just like our favourite phoenix.


One final hurdle

How on earth could anyone be sent home after these quirky concoctions? Just like Dumbledore himself, each cake was elegant and complex and... full of sherbet lemons!

The team that DO go home right before the final call the moment 'bittersweet', leaving only two pairs left for one final challenge.

By the grace of Merlin's pants, we have no idea how the finalists can 'exceed expectations' beyond all they've done already.

We will have to wait one more week to find out...

Spell-binding new competition series Harry Potter: Wizards of Baking to launch exclusively on Prime Video in the UK and Ireland on 17th December.

The show is out now to Max and Food Network - and you can learn more about the show at our handy hub.