Quidditch Champions is out now! Fly on over to the official website to purchase your copy and see if you can spot all of these Easter eggs while becoming a Quidditch Champion.
Meme Hagrid
If you’ve been on the internet in the last few years, you will have seen this iconic Hagrid image pop in meme form. Now it is back! Yes, in what could be considered the ultimate Easter egg, players will be able to use a paper mask in game which takes the form of Hagrid’s gloriously low-res visage! We’re getting all nostalgic just thinking about it.

Harry’s first Snitch
When Harry caught his first-ever Snitch in his first-ever Quidditch game, he did it, let’s say, rather unconventionally. Harry forwent using his hands and instead nearly swallowed the tiny, golden ball instead – well at least it was original! The eagle-eyed among you might have already spotted that moment recreated in the game.

Harry’s first flight
If there is a match made in heaven, its Harry and a broomstick. There’s a reason he was the youngest Seeker in a century, and it all started when he first said ‘Up’, and a broomstick just sailed into his hand. In a really sweet callback, you can see this moment from the first story in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang sneak peeks
For the first time ever, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools have been adapted and visually brought to life – there are Easter eggs galore here! First you have the mighty Durmstrang ship that served as both transport and a home for the students who travelled to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.

Then there is the Beauxbatons crest and a bronze statue that reflects the beauty of this French school. But if you look deep into the background of their Quidditch pitches, you can see the most exciting thing of all, the schools themselves! Are they just like you had imagined?

A trip to The Burrow
You couldn’t visit the wizarding world without a trip to The Burrow. We were so thrilled to see the ramshackle, yet well-loved house appears complete with a tire swing. And if you look closely, you can even spot Mr Weasley’s iconic flying Ford Anglia nestled in the bushes. What makes this even better? You can play a game of Quidditch there too!

Some of your favourite characters
A game of Quidditch always needs Quidditch players and this game is packed full of them. We’ve kept our eyes peeled and have spotted so many familiar faces already. Obviously, you have Harry Potter. Then there is his arch-nemesis Draco Malfoy (whose father will definitely hear about it if he loses). Our King Ron Weasley makes an appearance as does his superstar Chaser sister, Ginny Weasley. She might not be a natural at Quidditch but we’re sure we spotted Hermione Granger too. Then there is the Tutshill Tornado fan and talented Ravenclaw Seeker, Cho Chang. And it wouldn’t be Quidditch without the iconic Beater duo, Fred and George Weasley. Did you spot them all?

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is out now. Your next chapter is about to take flight!
To order the game, visit the official website to learn more about Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions.