Welcome to your seventh Chapter Challenge! First thing's first. We've created a brand new special house points tracker that you can make at home which will help you keep score of your chapter challenge achievements. Take a look.

Write down who you think is worse – Draco Malfoy or Dudley Dursley? Explain your answer.
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Draw a picture of Neville’s Remembrall. You choose whether the smoke is white or glowing red!
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Answer this question and get a clue about the next chapter. What do wizards and witches use to play Quidditch? And Muggles use for sweeping things up?
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Write about yourself: Do you wish you could have your own Remembrall? Write about a time you forgot something, and a Remembrall would have really helped you out.
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Prediction time! This is where you guess what might happen later in the book. Do you think Harry and Ron are ever going to be friends with Hermione Granger?
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Time to be a poltergeist: In 'The Midnight Duel', we get a closer look at Peeves the naughty poltergeist. If you were Peeves, what kind of mischief would you get up to in the castle? Would you tell on the students? Would you annoy the teachers? Write a list of five naughty things you would do!
This mini-challenge is worth 2 house points.

Secret quest: In this chapter, the password to the Gryffindor common room is pig snout. Make up a password for your household – perhaps it is the password to the sitting room, the fridge or the garden? Get them to use the password for a whole day and you’ll complete this secret quest! And make sure you’re as strict as the Fat Lady!
This mini-challenge is worth 3 house points.
Quiz time: If this secret quest isn’t for you, you can collect the same number of house points if you answer every question correctly in our Chapter Nine Quiz here...
Did you complete this Chapter Challenge? How many house points did you collect of the possible 10?
Still need to find out which Hogwarts house you belong in? Here’s a link to register and find the Sorting Ceremony on our website. Or download the Wizarding World app to find out your house whilst wearing the Sorting Hat! You’ll need an adult to help you register.
And for more quizzes, crafting, articles and other fun activites go to the Harry Potter Reading Magic Hub.
Illustration by Mary GrandPré © Scholastic