Welcome to your third Chapter Challenge!
A reminder! We've created a brand new special house points tracker that you can make at home which will help you keep score of your chapter challenge achievements. Take a look.
There are 10 points in total to be collected today.

Write down which character you think was most upset by having to leave Privet Drive in this chapter? Why?
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Draw the little shack out on the rock. Don’t forget to include the rough sea as well!
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Answer this question and get a clue about the next chapter. What was the name of the giant man who arrived on the motorbike with baby Harry, back in Chapter One?
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Write about yourself: The letters addressed to Harry are very specific e.g. cupboard under the stairs, or the smallest bedroom. What would the address be on a letter to you?
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Prediction time! This is where you guess what might happen later in the book. Who do you think is writing to Harry?
This mini-challenge is worth 1 house point.

Time to pretend you’re Uncle Vernon: In 'The Letters from No One', Uncle Vernon tries to stop Harry’s letters arriving, but they still find their way into the house! Write a list of all the places you think letters like Harry’s might get into your own home. Do you have a chimney? Is there space under the front door for them to squeeze through? What about windows?
This mini-challenge is worth 2 house points.

Secret quest: Write a short letter and address it to someone in your household. Then hide it somewhere they’ll find it later – like in a drawer or their bed. They must not see you hiding it!
This mini-challenge is worth 3 house points.
Quiz time: If this secret quest isn’t for you, you can collect the same number of house points if you answer every question correctly in our Chapter Three Quiz here...
Did you complete this Chapter Challenge? How many house points did you collect of the possible 10? Have you kept track of all your points so far?
For more Harry Potter Reading Magic, visit our collection page where you can explore more fun and games with chapters 1-3 of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone. Next time... we'll be on Chapter Four!
Illustration by Mary GrandPré © Scholastic