Gilderoy Lockhart was always so generous in dispensing his… wisdom to Harry. But if he was given the opportunity to share how to have a life as charmed as his, what would he say? We think these are life lessons Lockhart would leave us with.

While it would be great to have the power of Legilimency and see the inside of Gilderoy Lockhart’s mind, unfortunately we don’t. Instead, we’ve had a think about what life lessons would be important to him and we guess it would go something like this…

It’s what’s on the outside that counts

Has somebody told you that you are enough? You are perfect the way you are? Personality is worth more than looks? Forget all that! Nobody cares about the content of your character, they’re too busy judging the contents of your wardrobe. It’s all about first impressions people! Your hair needs to be perfectly coiffed – like Lockhart’s luscious locks. Your robes need to come in array of dazzling colours from forget-me-not blue to turquoise. And don’t forget the accessories! Remember how fabulous Lockhart looked with his turquoise hat with gold trim? Nobody is going care if you are the most boring person on the planet if you can dazzle them with your appearance. There’s a reason Lockhart won Witch Weekly’s Most-Charming-Smile Award five time in a row.

Gilderoy Lockhart Fact File Image gilderoy-lockhart_2_1800x1248

Fake it until you make it

People might say there’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it and they would be half right. Really, there is nothing you can’t get people to believe you can do if you put your mind to it. It is all about confidence. If you act like you know what you’re doing, then who needs to know differently? Need a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon? Just make up some scientific sounding words and bluff your way through. You never know, you might pick up some of those skills along the way. It’s what Lockhart did. Despite his lack of experience in battling Dark forces or his dearth of teaching skills he still ended up as a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at the prestigious Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He fixed a smile to his face, pretended he knew exactly what he was doing and didn’t let a few simple mishaps – like escaped Cornish Pixies or disappearing arm bones bring him down.


It’s not about what you know… it’s about who knows you

It is all well and good being smart (even Lockhart was a Ravenclaw of above average intelligence) but in the grand scheme of things? It doesn’t really matter at all. It isn’t about being the cleverest or the brainiest it is about being the most famous. And while that does take some strategy and planning, nobody will be starstruck by your ability to memorise boring facts, but they will faint at your feet if they see your face on the cover of books, magazines, billboards and TV. Get out there, get recognise and eventually, like Lockhart, you’ll have to carry around a little stack of signed photos just for your swathes of fans. Imagine how powerful that would make you feel.

Work smarter and not harder

Gilderoy Lockhart might have been known for his globetrotting adventures where he battled banshee and vanquished vampires – he did write multiple bestsellers after all. Yet things were not quite as they seemed. Lockhart wasn’t some multi-talented wizarding whiz and who would want to be? That just sounds draining. Life is all about working smarter and not harder. Pick one skill, become excellent at it and it will see you through your life. Jack of all trades are so passé. Lockhart happened to be particularly nifty at Memory Charms. All he had to do, was meet those adventurous wizards, get them to tell him their story, wipe their memories and then write a book saying he was the one who had gone on an epic quest. It’s genius really. Lockhart could get the reputation he craved, and he never had to put himself in any danger or uncomfortable situation. What a guy.

You are more important that anyone else

The world doesn’t revolve around the sun, it revolves around you. You are the main character in your story, and you should act like it. From the moment Lockhart was born into a family where he was the only sibling with magical ability, he knew he was special. His witch mother liked to always remind him of that fact – he was her favourite. Everyone’s attention should always be on you and if they’re not, you should do something dramatic to make sure they are. While at Hogwarts, Lockhart created a huge, illuminated projection of his own face, which he would send skywards – that’s the energy we are talking about.

Harry replies to Lockhart's fanmail during detention.

If all else fails, there’s always hair products

Well, Lockhart said it was his goal to rid the world of evil and develop a line of hair-care potions. You’ve got to admire that hustle.