A fan of rules and responsibility? Then you’d patrol the corridors with the Prefects…
We imagine the journey back to Hogwarts often runs the risk of becoming rather unruly what with hundreds of young witches and wizards packed onto one train all bubbling over with start-of-term excitement. Luckily, the dependable Prefects are on hand to patrol the corridors and bring order to the chaos with a few choice words and maybe a couple of deducted house points. If you’re someone who think rules are there to be followed not broken or bent, then you’d fit right in with these responsible students. Your often described as being trustworthy and reliable, you always volunteer to take on extra responsibilities and (let’s be real for a minute) you enjoy wielding a bit of power and authority and would have no qualms with confiscating a Dungbomb or two.
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Keen to move up in the world? You’d be networking at the Slug Club…
As a highly ambitious person, you know that to get ahead more often than not it’s about who you know rather than what you know. Whether you want to climb the career ladder or enjoy having a friend that can get you free tickets to that sold-out concert or football match – it’s all about networking. What better place to do a spot of it than at Horace Slughorn’s Slug Club? Famous Quidditch players, the owner of Honeydukes, the editor of the Daily Prophet and plenty of other witches and wizards with an array of talents (and family connections) have all passed through this elusive club. We can’t think of anywhere better for all you go-getters to hang out on the Hogwarts Express. By the time the train arrived at Hogsmeade we would happily bet a thousand Galleons that you’d have made at least six more interesting and useful acquaintances.
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Are you an oddball and proud? We’d find you in a compartment with Neville and Luna…
If you are looking for a compartment which is judgement free and where you can be your full and authentic self, then look no further than the one with Luna and Neville sat in it. These two are not afraid to embrace what they love even if other people think it makes them seem a bit strange. Like with Neville bringing a Mimbulus mimbletonia on board which covered an entire compartment with Stinksap – only a true Herbology fan would appreciate that. Or with Luna reading a copy of The Quibbler upside down while wearing her large, bright Spectrspecs and chatting about the Crumple-Horned Snorkack – not many would find that normal. Yet, you would love how eccentric they were and in return they would encourage you to embrace your inner weirdness. It doesn’t matter if you have a love of rocks, animals, stamps, interesting fashion or obscure history – they’d let you talk about it all day long and you would find yourself feeling right at home sat with your weird and wonderful friends.
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Too cool for school? We’d find you with Malfoy and his Slytherin friends…
Ugh, travelling on the Hogwarts Express with a bunch of young and eager students – how terrible. There’s nothing cool our exciting about it. After all, who on earth gets excited about going to school? If these are the kinds of thoughts you would have on board the Hogwarts Express, then we think you would fit in well with Malfoy and friends. You love to maintain an edgy, unbothered image and people find that they are both in awe and intimidated by you in equal measure. You’re probably the kind of person who gives off a slightly dangerous vibe and we bet you own a leather jacket. You and your fellow Slytherins would have no problem securing a compartment to yourselves as nobody would dare to sit with you and that’s just the way you like it. Though, we reckon you’re probably not quite as tough as you seem and have a sensitive side locked away – but we promise to keep that secret.

Feeling snackish? You’d be hanging around the Trolley Witch with her trolley of treats…
We don’t know about you, but we know that there’s nothing worse than feeling hungry and there not being a single snack in sight. In fact, it makes us pretty angry (or hangry if you will). Luckily the Hogwarts Express is packed full of delicious treats. There are Chocolate Frogs, Cauldron Cakes, Bertie Bott’s Every-Flavour Beans, Pumpkin Pasties and so much more – the Trolley Witch always keeps it well stocked. So, if you’re the type of person who loves all kinds of food, always keeps an emergency chocolate bar on their person and should be avoided at all costs when peckish, then we think you’d be at your happiest hanging around the food trolley… even if it is just to make sure that no pesky wizard in glasses insists on taking the lot leaving nothing for the rest of the train.

Just want a good old natter with your friends? You’d be hanging out with Harry, Ron and Hermione…
For Harry, Ron and Hermione, the Hogwarts Express was a good place to sit and chat. Whether they were talking about heavy topics like the return of Voldemort or lighter ones such as Ron attempting to turn Scabbers yellow, it was a place where they had a few uninterrupted hours together and served as a nice break from their time at school… which was full of drama, mystery and battling one of the Darkest wizards of all time. If you just want a place to chill and have a natter, we think you would be happiest sat with these three. Maybe you also have a life which is constantly hectic and while you’re not trying to take down Voldemort, juggling work, school, friends and family amongst other things is still very full on. You would love to have some time just to watch the world go by and would relish just hanging out with the golden trio on this iconic scarlet steam train.
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