If you like to keep things shipshape and shiny, your Boggart would be dust
Some people like to say ‘tidy house, tidy mind’ and we have a suspicion that you are one of those people. You don’t tolerate mess, can spot a smudge on a skirting board from a mile away and your signature spell would be Scourgify. So, what terrifies someone with a personality such as yours? Dust. Yep, your Boggart would be mountains of dust. Dust piled up in corner of the room. Dust only visible as it catches the sunlight. Dust covering every surface. That annoying stodgy dust that doesn't come off without a good scrub, that dust that laughs in the face of your feather duster. The horror, the horror!
If you are a perfectionist your Boggart would be a jigsaw with a missing piece
From dotting every ‘i’ and crossing ever ‘t’ to making sure that every single tiny detail in your life has been meticulously planned, you’re not ashamed to say that you’re a perfectionist. You’re the type of person who would balk at the go-with-the-flow attitude of Ron Weasley and you think Hermione Granger's approach to well, anything is inspired. But we know what keeps you awake at night. A problem you can’t solve, and a puzzle doomed to remain unfinished. That’s right, your Boggart would be a jigsaw with a missing piece. That one missing square of sky from your jigsaw of Hogwarts castle plagues your nightmares and with this Boggart, it’ll plague your waking hours too.

If you’re hip, happening and stylish your Boggart would be skinny jeans
Do you have your finger on the pulse? Do you keep up with the latest trends? Are you young, hip and happening? Then we know what your deepest, darkest fear would be. Are you ready? Skinny jeans. Yes. The fashion staple worn throughout the noughties. Just the thought of these jeans brings you out in hives. They’re so uncool! Only old people wear them! Don’t you know it’s all about cargo pants now? Luckily, the folks of the wizarding world don’t seem to have this issue so much, what with robes being the standard, but for someone like you? It’s your worst nightmare.
If you’re an extrovert your Boggart would be FOMO
There’s nothing in the world that you find more fun than being with people – whether that’s at a wild party or a sophisticated soiree. Like Fred and George Weasley, you thrive in social environments, cracking jokes and holding a captive audience with your witty anecdotes. But just imagine if you didn’t get invited to these shindigs. Imagine everyone else getting on with their day not thinking about how hilarious you are. That feeling of not being included would be unbearable and for an extrovert like you? That FOMO (fear of missing out) would be your Boggart and quite possibly your downfall.

If you’re an introvert your Boggart would be answering a phone call
In this day and age phone calls should be obsolete. There’s social media, there’s texting and if you’re feeling really brave, there’s the occasional voice note. Who needs to pick up the phone? If that sounds like you, we reckon you’re a bit of an introvert and we know just what your Boggart would be… answering a phone call. Yes, that’s right, a giant phone would tumble out of Lupin’s wardrobe in that iconic Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, filled with the disembodied voices of all those you put off calling. Your palms would get sweaty, you’d forget how to speak, and we just hope you can summon the word ‘Riddikulus’ to your lips before you succumb to the horror of it all.
If you’re a bookworm your Boggart would be spoilers
Do you see yourself as a bit of a Hermione Granger? Have you been known to check out books the size of bricks from the library for a bit of ‘light reading’? Do you frequently like to lose yourself and your reality to a fictional world? Then little bookworm, your Boggart would be spoilers. Every single time a Boggart emerged from its creepy corner or hidey hole, the book you were currently reading would be ruined. Imagine if that had happened while you were reading the Harry Potter books? We’d be devastated to learn if Harry vanquished Voldemort, if Dobby was ever freed or if Ron finally got his act together enough to win Hermione’s heart. As Boggarts go, it’s pretty dastardly.